Staffordshire: 12th of Sep Headquarters 11 Signal and West Midland Brigade organized a commemorative service in memory of the 21 Sikh soldiers of the British Indian army who fought in the battle of Saragarhi 120 years ago at The National Memorial arboretum in Staffordshire. The British army officers and Sikh community remembered the battle, which took place on the same day in 12 of Sep 1897 the Sikh soldiers who fought against 10,000 enemy from Afghanistan.The British senior army personals pays a huge tribute for the great sacrifices of British Sikh army personals in the war of Saragarhi. They said they were our heroes who fought with the great bravery and courage against their enemy in the battlefield of Saragarhi and they will always remember in the British history and they will remain in the heart and minds of our new generations.In this special occasion British senior army officials emphasizes to BEM communities to join the British army and integrate in the society they said we welcome females from BME communicate to British army as a bright carrier in the arms forces.At the end there was a religious service held by Sikh religious scholars. Event was hosted by Maj A M Johnson MERCIAN Community Liaison Officer West Midlands Special attendance Col Richard Maybery QGM Deputy Commander 11th Signal and West Midlands Brigade,Ian Dudson CBE CSEJ Lord Lieutenant Staffordshire, Dr Iqtidar Karamat Cheema, Ranjit Singh Sarai, Davinder Prasad, Pandat Ravi Bhushan and many others Coverage by Sardar Zia Mahmood and S M Irfan Tahir Photojournalist National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Great Britain.
British Armed Forces commemorate the battle of Saragarhi