Birmingham: British Armed Forces Inspire Event was held in Albany Theatre in Coventry, to build a good relationships and to facilitate community engagement with The British Armed Forces, including The Army, Royal Navy and The Royal Air Force.The event provided a great opportunity for communities to understand each other, promote British identity, community Cohesion, integration and Peace in all our communities.They aim to raise awareness amongst British Citizens who come from Commonwealth countries. The message was that they are now a part of British society and can take equal responsibility for keeping the country safe, free from crimes and other threats to British way of life.There were opportunities for family and individuals to meet very senior Commanders of Army, Royal Navy & Royal Air Force to understand how the Army Works and to learn about the career opportunities open to individuals if they are interested in Employment. The event is particularly aimed at younger members of the community and they will not only found the experience great fun but also had exposure to career opportunities.Organized By British Organisation for People of Asian Origin (BOPA) collaboration with community engagement teams of Army, Royal Air-Force and Royal Navy.Organized By British Organization for People of Asian Origin (BOPA) collaboration with community engagement teams of Army, Royal Air-Force and Royal Navy Host By Davinder Prasad Special Attendance Lord Lieutenant Geroge Marsh, Lord Mayor of Coventry Councillor Lindsley Harvard, Regional Army Commander Brigadier Rob Anderton-Brown, Army Head Quarter representative Lt Col Mike Bishop,Major Naveed Muhammed National Liaison officer,Captin Makand Singh MBE RLC,Major Andy Johnson Community Liaison Officer,Squadron Leader Ross,Consul of India Mr Pankaj Sharma,Assistant Commissioner of Bangladesh Muhammad Zulkar Nain,Dr Rakesh Sachdev, President of BOPA,Lion Ravinder Sandhu, President Mercia Lions Club,Dr Iqtidar Karamat Cheema Phd,Mrs Sumaira Furrakh Chairperson BTM Global,Dr Chithra Ramakrishnan,Mr Hamid Malik, President of FIMO,Hans Raj Banga,Councillor Ramesh Srivastava, Chair BOPA,Councillor Ram Lakha,Councillor Muhammad Akhlaq, Councillor Balvinder Kaur,Mr Rajnish Kashyap, General Secretary, Hindu Council UK,Col Dr Deep Chand,Major Nanad Kumar Srivastava,Mr Palvinder Chana, Chair Sikh Union,Mrs Mehru Fitter, General Secretary, Positive Images,Mr David Burbidge, Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Coventry,Mr Satya Sharma, Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Birmingham,Wing Commander Bob Bomford, Royal Air Force,Commander Perter Gracy Royal Navy,Aneela Asad Vice Chairperson BTM Global , Mrs Naseem ,Miss England Dr Carina Tyrell,Miss Coventry & Warwickshire Rheo Parnell,Rinji Lawati Miss Nuneaton Carnival Queen ,Paster Ajmal Chughtai ,Mohammed Ali ,Arfan Sultan ,Saeed Sheikh, jan Janjua and many others Coverage By S M Irfan Tahir Photojournalist National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Great Britain.