The Council of British Muslim Scholars, consisting of over 200 Imams, condemned the terror attack that took place yesterday, which shook London, the heart of our country. We stand together with our entire nation to prevent and overcome these horrific acts of terrorism. Today, as we grieve along with our fellow UK citizens the deadly act of terrorism committed at Westminster. We condemn and reject the evil of terrorism, which saw a car plough into pedestrians and claim the lives of many people, including a police officer and the knife-wielding terrorist himself, whilst also leaving at least 20 people wounded. We, British Muslim Scholars, are deeply saddened by this evil act and extend our thoughts and prayers to the victims and their friends and family. The attack, which came on the anniversary of the suicide bombings in Brussels, aims to instill a sense of fear in us as with this attack, London has now joined cities like Ankara, Berlin, Brussels and Paris as a target for mass violence and acts of terror. Imam Qari Asim stated “This heinous act of terrorism is an attack on our freedom, our human rights and the values of a nation of people who take great pride in being a nation of unity despite our race, religion and political values. We as a nation must strive to overcome any attack on our rights and values and unite to fight against these acts of evil. We cannot let terrorism win or disintegrate our country, we must stand united and not allow hate and evil to fragment a cohesive nation.” British Muslim Scholars absolutely condemn such violence. Muslims, across the world, have suffered due to terrorist organisations. We urge Muslims to continue with their efforts to defeat those extremist groups who are murdering in the name of our compassionate faith. We ask that you uphold the values of a Britain which consists of diverse communities, and is built on mutual respect and understanding.
British Muslim Scholars condemned the terror attack in the heart of the country