Nottingham: The 20th annual BPPA conference took place at Kelham hall, Newark Nottinghamshire on the 12th of November 2022. Which was attended by more then 100 eminent psychiatrists from the UK and the republic of Ireland.
The chief executive , president , dean and registrar of the royal collage of psychiatrist were also present on this occasion. The theme of conference was to highlight the medical legal and cultural aspects of mental health, women’s mental health and contemporary issues.
The BPPA chair Dr Shaid Latif and general secretary Dr Rais Irfan also addressed attendees, along with other speakers. The event was well received and the delegates appreciated the program. Following this there was a joint plenary session with APPNE. The day ended with a extravagant gala dinner and live musical performances. S M Irfan Tahir World News Nottingham.