Cope charity held a Grand Iftar Dinner at Crystal Plaza in Birmingham | WNTV | World News

Birmingham: Cope charity held a grand iftar dinner at the Crystal Plaza on Saturday 9th April to raise awareness of its work and raise funds for its projects in Pakistan.

The sold out event was attended by businesses, families, charities as well as the wider community. Founder and Chairperson of COPE, Nasrat Rafiq was delighted by the success of the night, both in fundraising terms and awareness raising of Copes work.

The professionalism, discipline and unity of the COPE Team was evident throughout the night. The line up included Quran recitation, Nasheed by Haji Mohammed Tariq Lohar, and a heart warming play by Cope Juniors which stole the show and delighted the audience.

COPE is a registered charity with a 100% donation policy. It’s focal aim is to help break the cycle of poverty by addressing every aspect of social welfare from education, housing, enterprise, health, vocational training and an Elderly programme.

Cope builds water wells, solar water station and filtration plants and has enabled 130 thousand people to access fresh clean water. A campaign to build 99 masjids each in one of Allah’s beautiful names is well underway with 31 masjids already funded.

From eye operations to providing wheelchairs, building schools and houses and funding Orphan weddings, this small charity has a big vision. The night ended with fundraising, auction, a beautiful dua by Qari Farhan Siddiqui and a delicious iftar meal.

Report by S M Irfan Tahir Photojournalist / Member National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Birmingham & Coventry Branch.

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