Continuing Conflicts That Create Refugees – June 2019

Deteriorated Situations: Mali, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan, Malawi, Guinea, Georgia, Nagorno-Karabakh (Azerbaijan), Kazakhstan, Honduras, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Tunisia.

Conflict Risk Alerts: Mali, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Algeria.

Resolution Opportunities: None

 Global overview: In June, Iran-U.S. tensions continued to climb, raising the risk of a military conflagration. Yemen’s Huthi forces, seen as Iran-backed, increased the pace of strikes in Saudi Arabia, which in turn stepped up bombing in Yemen. Attacks on U.S. assets in Iraq multiplied, and protests erupted in the south. High-level assassinations rocked Ethiopia, and Sudan’s security forces reportedly killed over 120 protesters. Major ethnic violence hit north east DR Congo and Mali’s centre and could escalate in both places. In Cameroon, violence raged in Anglophone areas and Boko Haram upped attacks. Political tensions rose in Guinea, Malawi and Tunisia, and Algeria could enter a constitutional void in July, possibly inflaming protests and repression. In both Honduras and Haiti, anti-government protests turned deadly. In the Caucasus, killings in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone pushed up tensions, and in Georgia anti-Russian sentiment fuelled major protests. Widespread repression marred Kazakhstan’s elections. In a positive step, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Trump agreed to restart talks on denuclearisation.

CrisisWatch a global conflict tracker, designed to help decision-makers prevent deadly violence by keeping them up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace.

 Read more: International Crisis Group,

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