Halal Council commends the Government for its ammendments on burial measures in COVID-19 emergency legislation

Birmingham: Today, the UK Government tabled an amendment to the COVID-19 emergency legislation which removes the original requirement for cremation in some cases, regardless of the faith of the

This concerned both the Jewish and Muslim faith communities. Naz Shah, MP for Bradford West, initially tabled an amendment to change this, which the Government conceded to and tabled its own similar amendment.

Mohammed Saleem, spokes person Halal Council warmly welcomed the UK Government’s amendment which recognises the importance of ensuring faith communities are able to bury their dead instead of cremating in the event of deaths due to Coronavirus.

“During these unchartered times, we appreciate this reassurance by our government and its important efforts to listen to and work constructively with communities of .“We would like to thank Naz Shah, MP for Bradford West, for raising the issue and her hard work
alongside others, and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims for mobilising support for this important change across the House, and we also thank those MPs who support the amendment.

“During national crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to present unprecedented challenges, The Halal Council stands by and supports all such efforts which protect public health without compromising religious sensitivities. ”

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