Feedo Needo arranged a free hair Cut for Homeless and Needy | WNTV | World News

Birmingham: Feedo Needo arranged a free hair cutting for the homeless and needy. Well known charity Feedo Needo not only provided food and drink for the homeless and needy, they also provided hair cuts. Now, like ordinary people, they will be able to enjoy a fresh hair cut. The charity is using all its resourced to provide relief for the homeless, hungry and needy. The organisation has provided facilities to the homeless people for which the needy thanked the charity immensely. Fedo Nedo’s organisers added that they would take even more unique measures in future for the homeless, hungry and needy people to give them maximum comfort and peace of mind in life. Report by S M IRFAN TAHIR Photojournalist / Member National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Great Britain.

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