The World celebrates the international day of peace UNHRC Geneva, Switzerland

Geneva: 21 Sep, The World celebrates the international day of peace. The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted this date in order to promote the ideals of peace world wide.On this occasion, Besme International Group for Humanitarian Assistance express its great regret for violence taking stage in the world especially in Syria, Yemen, Libya and Myanmar.

We all should be aware of the serious risks paused by culture of hatred, violence and communalism , which has been broadening day by day. Besme International Group for Humanitarian Assistance calls for uniting and combining international efforts to constitute the necessary vision and strategy needed to counter such frightening phenomena that we are witnessing, Besme also appeals the United Nations and the international public opinion to take rapid serious practical steps to stop the violence and to seek for real peace based on justice, equality and respect for human rights.This issue can only be achieved by involving woman and youth in peaceuilding process and motivating them to take the role and initiative.Through providing them with all the means of training and rehabilitation in accordance the current stage they will be able to serve the peace process and promote the community values on which it is based.

Finally Besm International Group believes that respecting and spreading the principles and culture of human rights among all society members is a real contribution to peace process as peace is a fundamental human right.Coverage by S M Irfan Tahir Photojournalist National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Great Britain.

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