Kids Mawlid play at Zia ul Ummah Center Birmingham, UK

Birmingham: The Zia-ul-Ummah Centre recently organised a magnificent Mawlid for the youth to help instil the love of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in them. It was an occasion where the youth could comfortably participate in the beautiful tradition of remembering and praising the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). The event was a wonderful opportunity to help the youth understand the importance of unity among the Muslim Ummah.The purpose was also to gather the youth and bring them to the centre for a joyous and memorable occasion that will help them understand and appreciate mutual love and respect among the Muslims.Recitation of the Qura’an and Nasheed Shaykh Abu Adam Akhlaq Al Azhari English Speech by Shaykh Shams Tameez Role Play By Zia ul Ummah Center Students. Special attendance Allama Tameez u Din Chishty, Mohammed Ashfaq, Mohammed Irfan and others. Report by S M Irfan Tahir Photojournalist National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Great Britain.

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