Scotland: Man Wrongfully Arrested Given £100k Compensation by Police

In 2015 Gary Webb, from Gatehouse of Fleet in Dumfries and Galloway, was handcuffed and spent a night in a police cell and three nights in prison. The 60-year-old told The Sunday Post that police had his fingerprints and knew he was the wrong man. He said: “My life has been trashed after this, completely trashed.”

Mr Webb, who has no criminal convictions, was arrested at his home by detectives who had a warrant for a different person. ‘I thought I was going insane’ He said the officers held a photo of the suspect next to Mr Webb’s face and decided they were the same person. Mr Webb showed them his passport, driving licence and photos around his home as proof of mistaken identity. However, the detectives said they would need to take him to the police station and handcuffed him. “I was at home with my wife then being held in cuffs with no-one believing who I was and facing the worst kind of criminal charges imaginable, I thought I was going insane. How could no-one believe I was me?” He was taken to court and, after three nights in a cell at Addiewell Prison, he was released without any explanation or apology.

Read more: BBCNews,

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