Maqbool Bhat sacrificed his today for tomorrow of coming generations. (KVI)

London: In a statement issued for the press Kashmir Voice International (KVI) paid glowing tributes to Sheheed Mohammad Maqbool Bhat. Maqbool sacrificed his today for tomorrow of coming generations. He stood with conviction and determination against the occupation of his motherland He suffered torture on both sides of the Line of control but did not yield as he was a great revolutionary who was hanged for his unflinching faith in what he believed and did. He imbibed the spirit of sacrifice and qualities of tolerance and conviction in the youth who have been facing worst kind of physical and mental torture. Maqbool will be remembered for making the struggle a people’s movement and creed for our youth.

Steps need be taken that would give eternity to the sacrifice that Maqbool made for Kashmir. Simple demonstrations and Hartals do not match the supreme sacrifice he made and the inspiration he imbibed in youth for the freedom of Kashmir. KVI suggests to the lovers of Maqbool Bhat all over the world in general and UK in particular not to spend their resources on simple demonstrations but on such activities which increase awareness in youth about the life and ideology of Maqbool Bhat. KVI also suggests the floating of Maqbool Foundation and provide scholarships for the pursuit of education to the children of those who sacrificed their lives. 

KVI pays glorious tributes to this son of the soil.

Meanwhile KVI expressed surprise on the speech of Prime Minister of Pakistan on 5th Feb 2021, that Pakistan will leave Kashmir independent after the people of Kashmir join Pakistan under UN Resolution. It would have been appropriate if he would have said that Pakistan is willing to support the independent status of the erstwhile state.

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