Grand Annual Event of National Overseas Doctors Family Association (NODFA)| UK | WNTV | World News

Nottingham: The grand annual event of the National Overseas Doctors Family Association (NODFA) UK was held at the Goosedale in Nottingham.

The event was well attended by the families of British Pakistani public health professionals from across the UK. In view of the challenges of the social environment following the aftermath of the corona pandemic, professionals from the public health department came together and not only shared success and happiness, but also paid rich tributes to the doctors and public health professionals who lost their lives while fulfilling their professional responsibilities during the pandemic.

On this occasion, Dr. Kashif Chauhan, Head of National Overseas Doctors Family Association UK, gave a detailed account of the extraordinary performances of the organization and their activities. As Chief Guest, Consul General of Pakistan Birmingham Sardar Adnan Rashid appreciated the valuable services rendered by National Overseas Doctors Family Association UK in Great Britain and Pakistan in the field of Public Health and encouraged a positive identity.

On this occasion, awards were also distributed among the doctors who put their lives on the line in the most adverse conditions during this time. Positive recreational activities were also arranged to provide a calm and conducive environment to the participants which they thoroughly enjoyed. A special three course meal was also arranged for the guests at the end of the ceremony. Report by S M IRFAN TAHIR Photojournalist / Member National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Great Britain.

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