NHS Birmingham & Solihull Health and Race summit at Edgbaston Park Hotel | WNTV

Birmingham: NHS Birmingham and Solihull Health and Race summit was held at Edgbaston Park Hotel on Wed 7th Dec 2022 explore the inequalities our communities face and to find out what the system is pledging to do to change them.

The impact of poverty and structural racism is a matter of life and death. Vulnerable people across Birmingham and Solihull are dying around ten years earlier from preventable illnesses.

The summit involved a question and answer session as well as the opportunity for groups to showcase the positive work communities are already doing, such as work by Saheli Hub and the implementation of the BLACHIR recommendations. This is empowering in looking forward to a paradigm shift which will be put into action, about how racial and religious inequalities are addressed within the NHS. Report by S M IRFAN TAHIR Photojournalist / Member National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Great Britain.

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