The Remembering Srebrenica Memorial Day, organised by the Bosnia UK Network, was observed at the Birmingham city council

Birmingham: A grand and historical event commemorating the Bosnian Muslim Genocide in Srebrenica during the 1990s was held in the banqueting suite of Birmingham City Council. The event, themed “I am because you are,” was organised in collaboration with the Bosnia UK Network, Remembering Srebrenica, and Birmingham City Council. It was moderated by Richard Burden, Chair of Remembering Srebrenica West Midlands Board. Distinguished political, social, and religious figures, along with businessmen, various personalities, and Bosnian citizens, participated in large numbers from the West Midlands and surrounding areas.

Bosnian singer Lejla Jusić and musician Elvir Solak paid a beautiful tribute to those who lost their lives in Srebrenica with poignant songs and music. During the event, Lord Mayor of Birmingham Councillor Ken Wood, Mayor of the West Midlands Richard Parker, H.E. Osman Topcagic, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Kingdom, Councillor Nicky Brennan, Cabinet Member for Social Justice, Community Safety, and Communities, Birmingham City Council, and others shared their thoughts. They emphasised the importance of educating children about the Srebrenica Genocide to prevent such a tragic event from ever happening again.

Faith leaders from different religions signed a joint statement on Srebrenica, demonstrating solidarity and unity. Ernesa Ibišević-Hajdarević, a child survivor of the Srebrenica genocide, recounted in detail the tragic events that befell her family. The Lord Mayor of Birmingham and other leaders present paid rich tribute to her courage and resilience.

Ebro artist Melek Ali created the flower symbol associated with Srebrenica in just a few minutes, captivating the hearts and minds of all attendees with her skill. CEO of Bosnia UK Network, Anes Ceric, thanked the distinguished guests from near and far at the event’s conclusion. Additionally, paintings by Robert McNeil MBE, an artist and ambassador for Remembering Srebrenica UK, depicting the atrocities in Srebrenica and Bosnia, were exhibited.

Report by S M Irfan Tahir Photojournalist / Member National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Great Britain.

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