West Midlands Police Multi-Faith Chaplaincy organised the second annual Eid al-Adha event at West Midlands Police Force Headquarters

Birmingham: West Midlands Police Multi-Faith Chaplaincy organised the second annual Eid al-Adha event at West Midlands Police Force Headquarters, Lloyd House, Birmingham.

The event was hosted by Imam Mohammed Asad MBE Muslim Chaplain. Ambassadors of Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh—Ms. Bakhtawar Mir, Vice Consul of the Pakistan Consulate Birmingham; Ms. Swornaly Chanda, Head of Chancery for Bangladesh; and Dr. Venkachalam Murugan, Consul for India – participated, making this rare Eid celebration even more special.

On this occasion, Police and Crime Commissioner for West Midlands Simon Foster, Deputy Chief Constable Scott Green, Khadija Sulaiman Multifaith lead Chaplain and Country’s first Muslim to lead Chaplaincy Team for Police Force, Craig Cooke Assistant Chief officer West Midlands Ambulance Service, Kelly Harding Head of people West Midland Fire Service, Ramesh Sharma QPM Retired officer / Multiple supporting posts, and others expressed their feelings and gave a universal message of peace, love, tolerance, and interfaith harmony. The participants stated that by bringing together different religions and nationalities under one roof to give a message of unity and strength, such programs should continue in the future.

Report by S M Irfan Tahir Photojournalist / Member National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Great Britain.

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