Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement condemns killing & arbitrary arrest of youth in illegally IOJ&K

Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement held a meeting here in Islamabad today in regards of the fresh wave of Indian State Terrorism during the sacred month of Muharram ul Haram. The meeting was presided over by President JKSM Altaf Ahmed Bhat.

President JKSM Altaf Ahmed Bhat while addressing the meeting said that, it has become a norm of Indian Occupational forces under the leadership of Modi, Amit Shah, and Indian Army Chief to kill, Torture, and create chaos in IIOJ&K during holy Months, and important days. They are using Fake CASO’s to target kill youth during the Holy Month of Muharram ul Haram as they did during Ramazan.

Indian Brutal forces martyred three more youth in Zadoora area of Pulwama district in South Kashmir today, raising the number of the slain youth to seven from yesterday.

President JKSM Bhat reiterated that since August 5th 2019 Indian occupational forces have made IIOJ&K a battlefield, using explosives to demolish houses, fake CASO’s to kill youth, Molest and Rape Women, & destroy businesses just to demoralize and refrain Kashmiris from the demand of freedom which is their birthright.

He added that during the twin lockdown when people were taken out of their houses, and whole residential blocks were being demolished with explosive Modi introduced New Domicile Laws to give rights to non-resident Kashmiris. An act in violation of Intl Law and Geneva Conventions. Modi Led BJP Govt of India is busy changing the demography of the IIOJK, which will have deadly ramifications if the world and international organizations do not intervene and stop Modi.

Since 5th Aug 2019 Indian Forces have killed 214 people, 1390 critically injured, 946 houses arson /destroyed. While 15-20 billion dollars loss to the economy occurred during this period. Which was a preplanned agenda of Modi to break the backbone of Kashmiris to keep them away from Kashmir freedom Movement?

Bhat added that Youth are being arrested in Srinagar and Budgam from Muharram Processions, Teargas and aerial shellings by Indian Forces to create chaos in the valley, which is highly condemnable. Religious Practices and sentiments of the people are being hurt by the occupational forces in IIOJK which are in clear violation of worldwide accepted democratic norms and principles.

JKSM reiterated that it strongly rejects the government’s unilateral steps intended at usurping the rights of the people of Jammu & Kashmir, furthermore, such measures cannot alter the nature, status and significance of the unresolved Kashmir dispute, which is also accepted by UN.

The conglomerate appealed the UN, OIC, WHO, UNSC to intervene and put pressure on India to stop the inhuman and punitive measures by Indian on the besieged people of IIOJ&K. It also demanded the unconditional release of not only those arrested recently but also all Hurriyat leaders, political leaders, civil society members, and youth detained in homes, police stations, and prisons in J&K and jails across India.

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