DFP denounces killing of youth in IOK, seeks release of Kashmiri prisoners

Srinagar: Jammu Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) has strongly condemned the killing of three Kashmiri youth by the Indian occupation forces youth in Pulwama district and termed it as worst kind state terrorism.
In a statement issued here on Saturday the DFP spokesman while expressing serious concern over the unabated bloodbath of Kashmiri youth at the hands of the Indian occupation forces said that the systematic killing of youth was a part of Indian government’s deep rooted conspiracy to change the demography of Kashmir. He said that the trigger happy Indian troops deployed in the length and breadth of the valley have unleashed a reign of terror in the region. “Innocent and educated youth are deliberately targeted and killed mercilessly by the occupation force during cordon and search operation”, the spokesman said adding that on one hand the Indian troops were killing people without any rhyme and reason while on the other blowing up residential houses and public properties has become new norm for the troops in Indian occupied Kashmir. The spokesman also denounced the use of brute force against civilians and harassment of journalists by the Indian forces. He said that the world should take a serious note of Indian brutalities and play its much needed role to resolve the Kashmir dispute that has been the cause and consequence of continued bloodshed in the region.
Meanwhile, the DFP acting chairman voiced his serious concern over the continued detention of the party chairman Shabir Ahmed Shah and other Hurriyat leaders who have been languishing in different jails in and outside Kashmir. Urging the world human rights organisations to play their role to ensure early release of all the detainees he said that the third wave of COVID-19 which is being seen as deadlier than the first two waves pose a serious threat to Kashmir prisoners who have been kept in highly congested prisons that have been declared as COVID-19 hotbeds.