World News
Ban on Mehran Baloch is disgraceful, and violation of human rights

Leaders of Jammu Kashmir International Peoples Alliance have expressed very serious concern on life time ban on a senior human rights fighter Mehran Baloch’s entry on Switzerland.
On behalf of the Alliance Dr Shabir Choudhry said it is very serious matter and all freedom loving people and human rights activists must protest against this action which is pro oppressive governments.
Dr Shabir Choudhry further said, we know Mehran Baloch as a human rights activist, who regularly participated in the proceedings of the UN Human Rights sessions in Geneva and eloquently spoke about plight of his people.
The action of the Swiss authorities indicates that even they are susceptible to pressure of those regimes which take pride in violating human rights; and use all kinds of conventional weapons to eliminate opposition to their oppressive rule.
Shaukat Kashmiri, Chairman of UKPNP and Secretary General of Jammu Kashmir International Peoples Alliance, expressed deep disappointment and said, “It’s very shocking and sad news. Nawabzada Mehran is human rights activist. He was active on international front, and presented Baloch nation’s case very professionally and effectively; and that is why government of Pakistan is afraid of his effective lobbying. Swiss has economic interests in Pakistan and there are many Swiss pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan”.
Abbas Butt, Chairman of Kashmir National Party, also expressed his disappointment on this sad news. He said, ‘We know Mehran as a very decent human being; and very active human rights activist. It is a sad day for human rights fighters; but our struggle for promotion of human rights must continue’.