‘Guns and Money Gang’, the ‘Johnson Crew’ and the ‘Burger Bar Gang’

Appeal Over Gang Injunction Secured by Birmingham City Council
Birmingham: The Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal over whether a gang injunction obtained by Birmingham City Council breached human rights law. The Court of Appeal in Jones v Birmingham City Council [2018] EWCA Civ 1189 had rejected a legal challenge from a 21-year-old man affected by the injunction. The case concerned the provisions of Part 4 of the Policing and Crime Act 2009, which introduced a new remedy enabling the county court or the High Court to grant an injunction for the purpose of preventing gang-related violence (including the protection of those involved with it from such further violence).
In February 2016 Birmingham City Council obtained interim injunctions against members of the Guns and Money Gang, the Johnson Crew and the Burger Bar gang pursuant to s. 34 of the 2009 Act and s. 1 of the 2014 Act. The 18 individuals affected included the appellant. They were banned, amongst other things, from parts of Birmingham under the injunction.