Extended advice and information hours secure more than £100,000 in extra benefits for citizens impacted by the cost of living crisis

Birmingham: More than £100,000 in increased benefits have been unlocked for Birmingham residents as a result of Neighbourhood Advice and Information services offered during extended opening hours by the council.
The total has been achieved less than one month since Erdington Advice Centre and Northfield Customer Service Centre began operating specifically for cost of living issues from 4.30pm until 7pm on Tuesdays and 10am until 1pm on Saturdays.
As of last Friday (November 25), a total of 88 residents had been supported to maximise their income for an estimated combined total of £113,000 in additional benefits and grants over the next 12 months.
Of these, 34 made use of the walk-in service, while the remaining 54 were contacted by the advisors on duty through targeted outbound calls to people who had recently received a Local Welfare Provision payment from the council, to assess what further support may be available.
Cllr John Cotton, Cabinet Member for Social Justice, Community Safety and Equalities at Birmingham City Council, said: “It is amazing how doing something as straightforward as extending opening hours can have a positive life-changing impact in this way.
“We’re hearing all too often about the impact that the cost of living crisis is having on families in our communities – but this shows that help is out there and as the council, we will do everything we can to support people in their time of need.
“The advisors who are meeting people at our centres and making the calls to those who we know are in need are putting in a heroic effort and their work deserves to be showcased and celebrated. Thank you to everyone involved in this and all other related Help In Brum initiatives that are being delivered at present.”
Extended hours are also being offered via the council’s contact centre for those who are unable to make face-to-face meetings or prefer using the phone.
If you are experiencing immediate problems, please call 0121 303 1116. The opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm, and Saturday 10am to 1pm.
The council’s website also has a wide range of advice and information, including details on initiatives such as the recently-launched Birmingham Warm Welcome Spaces.
To find out more, visit: www.birmingham.gov.uk/livingsupport