Labour Cllr Saqib Khan found guilty of breaching code of conduct

Birmingham: Despite facing huge pressure from the Labour party, Councillor Shabina Bano stuck to her guns in reporting awful treatment from fellow ward colleague Saqib Khan.

Today, the standards committee sub-group heard evidence from Cllr Shabina Bano who raised several counts of bullying and harassment by her ward colleague, Cllr Saqib Khan. The result found in favour of Cllr Bano and upheld her claims. The panel found that Cllr Khan had breached the councillor code of conduct by showing disrespect to Cllr Bano. Sanctions will now be considered and reported at a later stage.

Responding to the conclusion, Cllr Bano said “Everyone in the party knows how I’ve been treated and to this day, many of my former Labour colleagues have quietly offered support and sympathy, although I was often encouraged to drop the case, or forgive and forget.

“Even though this has been difficult, I didn’t give up, because this was always about something much bigger than me. I know that there are other women being treated this way in the party, and if no one stands up to it, then it will continue to happen.

“I hope that today’s outcome emboldens other women in the Labour party and that they feel more empowered to speak up. This is not a politics problem; it is a Birmingham Labour problem.”

“I know I’m not the first woman to go through this, but I hope that I am the last women deserve to be safe in politics.”

Group Leader Roger Harmer added: “Yet again, rather than owning their mistakes, Birmingham Labour have tried to sweep their problems under the rug. Cllr Bano has faced barrier after barrier in trying to get justice, so I am pleased that today the panel reported that Cllr Saqib Khan breaching the councillor code of conduct.”

“Once again, this result shines a light on the dysfunction of the Birmingham Labour group. Their divisive internal politics means that this city is being led badly, by a group who cannot get on with each other. These internal struggles are not the usual back and forth of a party in power, but symptoms of deep divides that are seriously hampering their judgement and leadership.

“Its time for change and I’m confident the voters of Birmingham will deliver it in next year’s elections.”

Councillor Saqib Khan denied acting disrespectfully towards colleague Shabina Bano

In a statement issued after Bano’s decision to switch parties last year, a spokesperson for Birmingham Labour said the party was committed to building “an open and diverse group” where “misogyny and bullying is not tolerated”.

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