The Tyranny Continues: October 27, 1947 – Day of Occupation

Jakarta, Indonesia. October 27, 2021: “October 27 marks the beginning of Indian Occupation of the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir. It is forever scarred in the collective minds of the Kashmiri people as the day they became occupied. India’s attempt to legalize its illegality rests on a bogus instrument of accession by a Maharaja, which the ruler had not authority to sign in any event. British historian, Alaister Lamb has convincingly demonstrated that the Instrument was bogus as an original has never been found, and there is no plausible explanation for a disappearance of an original had it ever existed,” this was stated by Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum (WKAF)), at a webinar, organized by Paramadina University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Other speakers included:
Prof Dr. Didik J. Rachbini, Rector, Paramadina University;
Ambassador, Muhammad Hassan, Pakistani Ambassador to Indonesia;
Dr. Siti Khadijah, State Islamic University, Jakarta;
Dr. Mochtar Mahrum, Tadulako University, Sulawesi;
Dr. Pipip A. Rifai Hasan, Paramadina University;
Dr. Muhammad Najib Azca, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta;
Drs. Nur Munir, MTS, MAJS, University of Indonesia;
Prof. Dr. Darni M. Daud, Syiah Kuala University, Aceh;
Ass. Prof. Dr. Hadza Min Fadhli Rabbi, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta;
Dr. Zahir Khan;
Mr. Joko Arizal.
“We must mention here that, by no stretch of the imagination, can the situation in Kashmir be treated as India’s internal matter, as India argues. Kashmir is recognized as a disputed territory under international law and the United Nations bears the responsibility of preventing the massive violations of human rights that are being committed by the Indian occupation regime. The movement in Kashmir is not secessionist because Kashmir cannot secede from India to which it never acceded to in the first place,” Fai added.
Dr. Fai warned: “We must mention here that even by today’s violent world, the behaviour of the Indian occupation regime in Kashmir is singular in as much as it has enjoyed total immunity. Not a word of condemnation has been uttered at the important capitols of the world, not even a call on India to cease and desist from its near- genocidal campaign. This is not merely a case of passivity and inaction; in practical effect, it amounts to an abetment and encouragement of murderous tyranny. If tyranny is not condoned inside the territory of a member state of the United Nations, is there not greater reason for the United Nations to intervene when the territory is one whose disposition is to be determine through a fair vote under the impartial auspices of the world organization. Nevertheless, we still have confidence that the world powers will realize that what is at stake in the dispute is not only the survival of the people of Kashmir, but peace in the populous region of South Asia and also the basis of a civilized worldview.”
Dr. Fai noted that the denial of self-determination has brought death and destruction to the people of Kashmir. Kashmir has been brutally victimized by human rights violations perpetrated by 900,000 Indian military and paramilitary personnel. During the past three decades alone, more than 100,000 Kashmiris have been killed because of India’s mammoth military occupation and savagery. Yet the international community has remained largely passive, and crowned India with a veto power over outside intervention.
In addition, India’s refusal to accept international mediation seems to shut the door on any kind of international dialogue regarding Kashmir. The Kashmiris are shut in, and the outside world out. It is quite conspicuous that the world powers feel awkward and unequipped to intervene in any international conflict because the country concerned is too powerful and does not listen to morals and ethics when everyone has his wallet on the table.
Although the human rights situation in Kashmir is depressing but we must hail the resoluteness of the people of Kashmir in carrying forward their struggle for pursuing their cherished goal of freedom. The militarization of the state not only had worsened psycho-traumatic situation, but it was taking a toll of the state economy, agriculture, and production of the state by converting more and more areas into cantonments.
Fai believes that a just and lasting settlement of the dispute is possible only through tripartite negotiations between the Governments of India and Pakistan and the legitimate leadership of the people of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. In fact, a ‘Kashmir Quartet’ should be established that includes Kashmir, Pakistan, China, and India. Moreover, outside intervention and mediation should include the United Nations. The chairmanship of the Kashmir Quartet mediation should be undertaken by a person of international stature, such as Kjell Bondevik former prime minister of Norway or President Mary Robinson of Ireland.
Today, the challenge before us is that a new generation in Kashmir has been raised with blood and tears for which death no longer poses a threat for what can death do that life has not done before: their suffering is freeing them from fear. Kashmiris’ fearlessness has led to the powerful protests and the largest demonstrations in recent years. The presence of hundreds of thousands of people on the streets of Srinagar, marching towards the office of the UNMOGIP, is a proof that the freedom struggle is not a terroristic movement but a movement that is indigenous, spontaneous, peaceful, and popular.
We thank the Secretary General of the United Nations for articulating the principle stand that Kashmir issue has to be resolved under UN Charter and applicable United Nations Security Council resolutions. We, therefore, urge the Secretary General to intensify his watch over the situation in Kashmir and initiate a peace process to settle the Kashmir dispute to the satisfaction of all parties concerned.
Dr. Fai is the Secretary General, Washington-based World Kashmir Awareness Forum. He can be reached at: 1-202-607-6435 or