Exiled Chairman of UKPNP will visit UK from 23rd of April till 3rd May 2018

Progressive, nationalist Kashmiri Leader, Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri Exiled Chairman of United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP) will visit the United Kingdom from 23rd of April 2018 until 3rd May 2018. During his UK visit Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri will attend different seminars and meetings.
On 26th April 2018, UKPNP London is organizing a welcome reception in the honour of renowned Kashmiri nationalist leader, writer, Blogger Dr.Shabir Chaudhry who has recently joined United Kashmir People`s National Party(UKPNP). Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri will participate in the reception.
Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri will also take part in conference which is organise by Kashmiri Nationalist leader Raja Sajjad in the United Kingdom.
In different seminars briefings and meetings with Diaspora Kashmiri in London, Leeds, Birmingham and other parts of United Kingdom exiled Kashmiri leader along with other party leaders will raise issues related to deprived, marginalized and voiceless people of so called Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.
UKPNP leaders will also discuss visits of so-called leaders from Pakistani occupied Jammu and Kashmir to the United Kingdom and other European countries to organize protests. UKPNP wants to remind them that we live in the 21st century which is the era of internet and fast information it is not possible to befool world community and mislead common Kashmiris anymore. Pakistan claims that she is the champion of right to self-determination of people of
Jammu & Kashmir but in so-called Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan peaceful, nationalists leaders and political workers and human rights defenders are facing sedition charges. Section 124-A is related to sedition, which states that whoever brings into hatred or contempt the federal and provincial government shall be punished with imprisonment up to life, to which fine may be added.Anti Terrorism Court (ATC) in Gilgit Baltistan awarded 40 years in prison to human rights defenders and peaceful political activists Baba Jan, Iftikhar Hussain and their colleagues.
According to the UN resolution, Pakistan is obliged to ensure life, liberty and dignity of the people of Pakistani Occupied Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. The local population of so called Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan do not enjoy any basic political rights. The Government represses democratic freedoms, muzzles the press and practices routine torture. Tight controls on freedom of expression have been a hallmark of Government policy in the area. Pakistan has prevented the creation of independent media in the territory through bureaucratic restrictions and coercion. Under the interim constitution of ‘Azad Kashmir’, which Pakistan enforced in 1974, aspiring candidates are “pre-screened” to ensure that only those who support Kashmir’s annexation with Pakistan can contest elections. Anyone who wants to take part in public life in Pakistan Administered Kashmir has to sign a “Pledge of loyalty to Pakistan”, while anyone who publicly supports or peacefully works for an independent Kashmir faces persecution. The electoral law undermines the basic political rights of Kashmiris’ by barring them from seeking office if they oppose Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan.
Pakistan has denied any involvement in the terrorist activities in Kashmir, arguing that it only provides political and moral support to the so-called ‘secessionist’ and extremist groups. Many extremist groups also maintain their headquarters in so-called Azad Kashmir and banned terrorist groups are roaming freely and recruiting youth for holy war or jihad in Jammu & Kashmir they have full support and protection of Pakistan.
UKPNP leaders will raise the issue of exploitation of natural resources in Gilgit-Baltistan and so-called Azad Kashmir which has deprived the natives of the region from their own natural wealth. An organized mafia is active in deforestation of the area. The timber has also become one of the main resources of revenue for few people. The area under forests is decreasing day by day and this is causing environmental degradation. In 1960’s Pakistan constructed Mangla Dam in Mirpur Kashmir. Pakistan had agreed to pay royalty to the AJK (Azad Jammu and Kashmir) for the use of the water and electricity generated by the dam. Now Kashmiri are denied of royalty because Islamabad says Kashmir is not a province of Pakistan, and royalty is only paid to provinces. Mangla Dam produces 1300 Maga watts and our daily need is only 330 Maga watts. But the region has been facing electricity shortage or load shedding for over 18-20 hours a day. Islamabad is constructing mega damas, proposed China Pakistan Economic Corridor project which runs across our region before it enters Pakistan. Megaprojects in a disputed territory of Kashmir are a clear violation of international laws and UNCIP resolutions on Kashmir.
Economically, Pakistan has ensured that this region is one of the most under-developed areas of the country, with all resources from this area being taken away for the development of other areas of Pakistan.
UKPNP suggests to so-called leaders of Pakistani held Jammu & Kashmir instead of organizing protests in Europe and spending tax payers money they should dare to demand for their rights, self-rule and royalty and ownership of natural resources from Pakistan and should ask Pakistan to stop using our areas for terrorist activities.
UKPNP will ask the international community to put pressure on the government of Pakistan for immediate release of all enforced disappeared people in so-called Azad Kashmir who refused to cooperate & join jihad and to ask Pakistan to take action against its law enforcement agencies who are involved in kidnappings enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings of innocent Kashmiris.
Press & Media United Kashmir People`s National Party (UKPNP)