G20 Summit a Tacit Endorsement of The Indian Necro-Politics

Written by: Iftikar Mohmmad
Group of 20 largest economies in the world are going to hold their annual summit in the Indian Nerco space, Indian occupied Kashmir, tacitly endorsing the Indian Necro politics in the valley. Under the Indian presidency G20 member states including European Union and nineteen other largest economies are intended to sit together on the 9th and 10th of September this year.
India aims to stage this summit and during the presidency of India 315 meetings will be held one such meeting is going to be arranged on 21-23 of May 2023 in the Indian occupied Kashmir projecting the situation of Kashmir Valley normal which is completely opposite to the reality especially after the repudiation of article 370. Kashmir Valley which has been a Necro space for the Indian government to play their cruel Necro politics, the work of death, since the Indian invasion of the valley.
The self proclaimed largest democracy India has committed throughout their occupation enormous human rights violation that includes, but not limited to, extrajudicial killings, torture, enforced disappearance, arbitrary arrests and detentions, use of pellet guns on protesters and communication block out thus controlling the lives of the Kashmiri people with these tactics and over Nine hundred thousand armed soldiers. Most vicious of them all is the denial of the right to self-determination of Kashmiris.
The theme of this summit is, one earth, one family, one future, according to the Modi’s government this affirms the value of human, animal and plans, and their interconnectedness. Contrary to the theme of the G20 Summit are the actions of the Indian government in the valley in which they are going to schedule this event, although showcasing itself as the mother of democracy to the world.
Hosting this G20 meeting in the disputed territory has been criticised and condemned by the Kashmiris, the human rights activists, government officials and the political leaders around the world. In an interview to the DW the locals said “we live in fear under the shadow of occupation”. Reports coming out of Mirpur, Azad Kashmir, stated that the veteran Kashmiri rights activist Altaf Hussain Wani defined this irresponsible move by the Indian government as “tantamount to whitewash India’s governments crimes it has been contributing against humanity within the Indian combined Kashmir. He alluded that the silence of G20 countries will embolden the Hindu supremacist regime led by Modi”. The new democratic party of Canada requested their government to avoid meetings that occur in the disputed Kashmir region. Pakistan’s foreign ministry condemned this self-serving measure of the fascist modi’ government strongly.
According to the German TV DW’s reports “the civil society and media in the region has been subjected to vicious creek down by the Indian government which is determined to Stiffel descent using draconian laws policies and unlawful practices in their arsenal there is complete silence achieved on all decent through heavy-handed repression”.
We the people of Kashmir urges the world in general and the G20 member states in particular that hosting an international event in Kashmir is a direct violation of the UN security council resolutions, principles of the UN charter and international law, your silence on such violations will only harm us more at the hands of Indian occupied forces.
Writer is student of peace and conflict studies at University of Peshawar.
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