Help us to help homeless people

People can find themselves without a home for many different reasons – end of their tenancy agreement, breakdown in family relationships, domestic abuse, money problems and poor health.
Birmingham City Council and our strategic partners from the Housing Birmingham Partnership and across Health, Housing, Voluntary and Third Sectors are developing the city’s Homelessness Prevention Strategy – and would like to hear your views.
The consultation is available at and finishes on 5 October 2017. Consultation documents and a questionnaire outline our plans to tackle homelessness in Birmingham and provide you with an opportunity to tell us what you think. There are five key questions that we would like you to respond to but we also welcome any other comments you might wish to make in relation to ending homelessness in the city.
Birmingham City Council’s ambassador for homelessness and rough sleeping, Cllr Sharon Thompson, said: “A couple of months ago we set up Birmingham’s Rough Sleepers Task Force with staff from the police, outreach workers, substance misuse officers, enforcement officers and a community nurse. The team are making headway working together to support people who are sleeping rough in the city centre, sharing information and developing strategies to support individuals. But we also know that this is just the most visible part of homelessness, that many thousands of other people are in need of support, and that prevention of homelessness needs to be at the core of our strategy. I would urge everyone to take part in this consultation. Please be our eyes and ears and help us develop a strategy that can really help.”
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