EU for transparent inquiry into HR abuse in occupied Kashmir

European Union has called for a thorough, prompt and transparent investigation of Human rights abuses in Indian occupied Kashmir.
This was declared by a high ranking official of European Union Wednesday in response to a memo of chairman of Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) Mr Ali Raza Syed asking EU for serious notice of severe situation in Occupied Kashmir facing constant lockdown imposed by Indian forces since August 2019.
In her written reply to Chair KC-EU Ali Raza Syed, Head of Division, Regional Affairs and South Asia at EU External Action Service (EEAS) Ms Caroline Vinot said, EU considers that any allegation of human rights abuse should be investigated thoroughly, promptly and transparently, in line with international human rights obligations.
In her reply, Ms Vinot made it clear that she responses to KC-EU’s chair on the behalf EU’s High Representative Josep Borrell on his direction.
It is important to mention that last month Chairman KC-EU Ali Raza Syed in a letter addressing the higher authorities of EU including EU’s High Representative Josep Borrell asked them to take serious notice of human right situation of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir. In his memo, the KC-EU’s chair had said, under garb of Coronavirus, the Indian forces increased their brutal activities against the oppressed people occupied Kashmir, who are already facing atrocities committed by Indian forces for a long time. By introducing new domicile rules, India also wants to change demography of the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir, which is violation of UN’s resolutions and other international norms, the KC-EU’s letter had claimed.
Replying to KC-EU, the EU’s official said, the European Union (EU) is closely following the situation in the region. Through public statements and direct active engagements with both India and Pakistan, the EU has highlighted the importance of de-escalating the situation, stressed that it is crucial that Pakistan and India resume dialogue both at diplomatic and political levels and underlined the importance of taking into account the interests of the local population.
The EU’s official also referred a speech of former high representative of EU Ms Federica Mogherini at EU parliament September last year insisting on resumption of direct talks between India and Pakistan.
Email: Address: Kashmir Council EU: Rue Willems 23, 1210 Brussels, Belgium.