Kashmiris enact ‘mass graves’ incident outside UN office in Geneva

GENEVA – Shroud-wearing Kashmiris enacted “mass graves” incident outside Human Rights Council office in Geneva on Friday, an attempt to break international indifference towards Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIoJK).
Scenes of unattended “dead bodies” outside the world’s biggest human rights defender office was a reminder that India was committing broad daylight war crimes in IIoJK while the international community remained unmoved, Kashmiri activists said.
Fahim Kayani, leader of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK and Altaf Hussain Wani, head of UN Kashmir delegation, led the symbolic demonstration outside the UNHRC headquarters in Geneva on Friday.
“International community cannot close its eyes from Kashmir for long,” Kayani said. “Kashmiris will not be tired by wishes and whims of India that its fascist tactics will bring our morale down. It cannot happen.”
Kayani said Kashmiris in diaspora will knock every door and remind the international community to fulfil its promises.
Addressing the demonstrators in Geneva, the Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK leader said the symbolic protest was a slap on the face of those who have become champions of human rights.
“Inaction on IIoJK has exposed these human rights defenders,” he said. “We will make our voice heard come what may as the struggle for right to self-determination in IIoJK is based on facts and truth like sunlight.”
Altaf Hussain Wani, the delegation head, called on the Human Rights Council to wake up to new realties in IIoJK where India was committing demographic terrorism.
“India is violating Geneva Conventions,” Wani said, addressing the UNHRC. “It is a shame that India sits in this house of honour at Geneva while its fascist military forces commit war crimes in IIoJK.”
Wani said India had accelerated settler colonialism in IIoJK by bringing in non-native Kashmiris “who are mostly radical Hindu fascists and settling them in IIoJK.”
“It is time that people of conscience and those who stand for freedom, honour and respect to stand up and join Kashmiris against India’s colonialism in IIoJK,” Wani said.
Ch Babar Warriach, president Tehreek-e-Kashmir Europe Italy, Dr Sheikh Waleed Rasool, Shameem Shawl, Sardar Amjid Yousuf,
Adv Pervaiz A Shah, Faiz Naqshbandi, Hasan ul Bana, Dr Shagufta Ashraf, Dr Saira Shah, Naila Kayani ,Raja Waseem, general secretary Tehreek-e-Kashmir Europe Italy, Tahir Mahmood Ch, member Tehreek-e-Kashmir; Ch Munir, vice president Tehreek-e-Kashmir; Tanveer Qadhar Sabiq, former president Tehreek-e-Kashmir, Italy; Ch Yasir; Raja Sheraz Bani, member Tehreek-e-Kashmir; Gazanfar Ali, member of Tehreek-e-Kashmir; and human rights activists attended the demonstration.