If Your Marriage Breaks Down While You Are in the UK With a Spouse Visa?

If you are in the UK as a dependant on a spouse or partner visa and your marriage or relationship breaks down, your immigration status will be affected. Dealing with a relationship breakup can be stressful enough, but add in an immigration dimension and it can quickly become overwhelming. We’ve put together this blog to try and answer some of the most common questions that we get asked about this.

Do I need to tell the Home Office?

Yes. The onus is on you to inform the Home Office about the change in your circumstances. The Home Office wants you to write to a specific department, known as the Marriage Curtailment Team, at the earliest opportunity, explaining what has happened. We strongly advise that you take legal advice before doing this however, because once you have notified the Home Office, you will very likely be informed you that you must either quickly make a new visa application, or else leave the UK.

Can I remain in the UK myself?

You do not have an automatic right to remain in the UK if your relationship breaks down while you are on a spouse visa. You will need to check if you are eligible for a visa on any other basis and if so, make a new visa application. Subject to eligibility criteria, you may apply:

Read more: McGill & Co,

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