Imran Khan’s statement hailed

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General, Washington based World Kashmir Awareness Forum has expressed his heartfelt thanks to Prime Minister Imran Khan Sahib for reiterating his support for the just cause of Kashmir. His words today at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly have given hope and strength to millions of hopeless people of the State. His statement at the United Nations was the true reflection of the wishes and aspirations of the people of Kashmir.
His reference to Kashmir is a statement of facts when he said, “Indian actions violate the resolutions of the UN Security Council on Jammu and Kashmir. The resolutions clearly prescribe that the ‘final disposition’ of the disputed territory should be decided by its people, through a free and impartial plebiscite held under the UN auspices. India’s actions in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir also violate International Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws, including the 4th Geneva Convention, and amount to ‘war crimes’ and ‘crimes against humanity.’ It is unfortunate, very unfortunate, that the world’s approach to violations of human rights lacks even-handedness, and even is selective. Geopolitical considerations, or corporate interests, commercial interests often compel major powers to overlook the transgressions of their “affiliated” countries.”
Prime Minister Imran Khan’s statement today is consistent with his statements, which he made on various occasions, “I have nominated myself as the ambassador of Kashmir and will fight the case for freedom of Kashmir till the very end. I’ll bring up the matter of Kashmir on every international forum. I’ll keep fighting for the Kashmiris and stand by them.”
We all know that UN Security Council resolution # 47 which was adopted on April 21, 1948 gave the people of Kashmir right to self-determination. Both India and Pakistan agreed to the principle that the wishes of the Kashmiri people were supreme. Today, Prime Minister Pakistan rightfully informed the world body that “sustainable peace in South Asia is contingent upon resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, in accordance with the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions, and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.”
Imran Khan’s statement is also consistent with the statement of Mr. Antonio Guterres, the Secretary general of the UN which he said on multiple times that Kashmir issue should be resolved in accordance with the UN Charter and under applicable United Nations Security Council resolutions.
We know that The United Nations can play a more activist and mediatory role in regard to Kashmir. It is the considered opinion of experts that the U.N. would supply the catalyst that is needed for bringing the parties concerned to the negotiating table to settle the Kashmir dispute once and for all.
Lastly, Imran Khan’s appeal to the United Nations that “Syed Geelani’s mortal remains be allowed to be buried in the ‘cemetery of martyrs’ with the appropriate Islamic rites” is the right step towards healing the pain not only of the family but the people of Kashmir as well.
Dr. Fai can be reached at: 1-202-607-6435. Or.