Reflections on the third anniversary of Syed Ali Geelani

Dallas, Texas. August 31, 2024. “First, the most essential facet of any revolutionary, anticolonial struggle requires clarity of vision. Syed Ali Geelani presented Kashmir not as a separatist movement but as a legitimate struggle for self-determination. Second, the nature of resistance necessitates fearlessness
in the face of eventual death. At present, Kashmir suffers from military occupation and the unbearable presence of nearly a million soldiers/paramilitaries. In front of this, Syed Ali Geelani, more than anyone else, has displayed exemplary courage. In the heart of New Delhi, he has called out Indian atrocities regardless of death threats,” this was stated Dr. Farhan Chak, Canadian-Kashmir scholar who was speaking on the subject of Kashmir during the 61st Annual Convention of Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) at Dallas, Texas.
Dr. Chak added that no one has continuously impacted the entirety of the Kashmiri freedom movement as Geelani. Among the ebbs and flows of resistance, and the push and pull of all kinds of traitors, he alone has stood as an immovable rock. His unshakeable principles, unrelenting will and uncompromising commitment to his people’s well-being is acknowledged by friend and foe. He has never changed his tune, switched loyalties, been accused of doublespeak or sought personal gain. While all revolutionary movements suffer setbacks and many revolutionaries capitulate after becoming disheartened, he has proven entirely resolute. In fact, this is his most memorable and lasting legacy – continuity.
Dr. Ghulam N. Mir, President, World Kashmir Awareness Forum and Chairman, Kashmir Diaspora Coalition said that Geelani Saheb, a larger than life political and spiritual leader, revered by Kashmiris, young and old as the BUB (father) of Kashmiri nation. No political leader in the last 50 years matched, let alone surpassed him in political stature, personal integrity and strength of character as Sayed Ali Geelani. Indian leaders used all types of temptation, torture and their characteristic diabolical techniques to dissuade him from following his path of resistance to occupation and settler colonialism over Jammu and Kashmir. Their massive military and administrative machine did not deter Geelani Saheb from facing them off.
Dr. Mir added that neither left wing Congress, nor the extreme Hindu nationalist Bhartia Janata party could break his determination to pursue his goal of right to self-determination. Through all his struggle for freedom he never harbored any personal bitterness against his political enemies inside Kashmir or the Hindu enemies within Kashmir or India. Alas Indian military and administration did not forgive him even in his old age of ninety, not during and after his death in the middle of his death at 91. Kashmiris at home and around world will always treasure his memories and nurture his love for who he was and how he stood for us.
Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum said that today on September 1, 2024, the nation of Kashmir is paying tribute to Syed Ali Geelani who was a scholar, intellectual, prolific writer and above all an incorruptible and conscientious leader of Kashmiri political resistance movement.
Dr. Fai added that Syed Ali Geelani was the defender and protector of minority rights. He always stood for the religious, cultural and social rights of the minorities. Majority community will have to treat them with dignity and respect. In an interview with Kashmir LIT in 2009 Geelani Sahib said, “In an Islamic system alcohol is prohibited but if in an Islamic state, a non-Muslim would prepare and drink alcohol at his house, nobody can stop him. Even if some Muslim breaks his or her bottle of alcohol, the state will have to compensate for the same.”
Dr. Fai spelled out that Syed Ali Gilani proved prophetic when he said during a press conference on October 26, 2009, that “500,000 Biharia will be given Kashmiri citizenship. Six to seven hundred thousand army will be given citizenship to change the demography of Kashmir. India will say OK, let us have a referendum now.” Who could have believed in 2009 that RSS led Modi government will enact Domicile Law in 2020 and issue more than 4.3 million domicile certificate to Indian citizens to change the demography of Kashmir?
“Geelani Sahib’s approach towards the solution of Kashmir was realistic and practical. When asked by Kashmir LIT, whether he will support an independent Kashmir? Geelani Sahib responded, “According to UN resolutions there are only two options India and Pakistan. However, if all the three concerned parties i.e., Pakistan, India and Pro- Freedom leadership of Kashmir come to consensus that Kashmir should become Independent as it existed on August 14, 1947, we would accept this solution also,” Dr. Fai explained.
Dr. Imtiaz Khan, Kashmiri-American scholar said that today the September 1, 2024, marks the third death anniversary of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, illustrious and undisputed leader of Kashmiri people. As the saying goes “some people are born great, some achieve greatness by dint of their ability and hard work, while some have greatness thrust on them”. Syed Ali Geelani belonged to the second category. In the path of “struggle for freedom” he never wavered or quivered from his noble stand, nor did he give in to severe torture, isolation and enticement of power. He stood like a “rock of Gibraltar” for the rights of Kashmiri people.
Dr. Khan added that while Indian establishment left no stone unturned to paint him as fundamentalist and hate monger, the saner elements within the country construed it as sinister attempt of character assassination. The strength of his virtuous values can be gauged from the fact that during 2010 political turmoil in Kashmir when several Kashmiri Muslim truck drivers were lynched by Hindu mobs in Jammu, Geelani Sahib issued a strong appeal to provide food, shelter and safety to Hindu pilgrims visiting Amarnath cave in the valley. One of the incidents that needs mention, is that there was a visiting Hindu family that met an accident and were badly injured. Under strict instructions from Geelani Sahib the victims were provided medical aid, moved to hospitals and their lives saved. Being a devout follower of Islam, he operated from a high moral pedestal that was unmatched and misunderstood by his detractors.
“On September 1 2021, after protracted illness, isolation and denial of advanced medical care Geelani Sahib embarked on a journey to meet his creator. Against all the basic norms, his family was not allowed to perform religious rites. The body was confiscated by the occupation forces, and he was buried at place chosen by Indian authorities. The hours after his death were announced, large contingents of police and paramilitary troopers in riot gear were deployed outside his home and whole valley was put under strict curfew. The residence was turned to fortress, and family and relatives remained confined inside the house. Although Indian establishment has deprived Kashmiris the opportunity to visit his grave and offer Fateh prayers, his words and teaching will remain inscribed on the minds and hearts of his people. As per wishes of Geelani Sahib, the thirst for freedom will stay unquenched till the dream is realized. May Allah place the soul of Geelani Sahib in Jannatul Firdous! Ameen! Dr. Khan concluded.
Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai is also Chairman, World Forum for Peace & Justice.
He can be reached at 1-202-607-6435 or