Haji Abdul Khaliq – The symbol of light for the Islamic Movement in AJK

Written by: Nasir Rafiq
During one of my visits to Pakistan, sitting down with Aba Jee (Father) “commonly known as Haji Abdul Khaliq” in his house in Mirpur AJK, the bell rang. One child attended the front door and told us that some one called Turabi is at the door. Lo behold, this was Abdur Rasheed Turabi, the JI Ameer then with the JI leadership come to meet Aba Jee (Father). He said that he was in town and no visit is complete without meeting Haji Abdul Khaliq. As we sat in the front room, Mr Turabi pointed out that we are sitting with three generations of Islamic Movement. Aba Jee (Father) was sitting with his son, Dr Riaz Ahmed (President Al-Kidmat AJK), his son Dr Adeel Riaz (Ex Rukn Jamiat) and his nephew and son in law, myself (Ex Rukn Jamiat). Mr Turabi said this is rare. Thinking back – yes this was rare, it is because our Aba Jee (Father) was rare. The next generations are his products and we are proud of him. Aba Jee (Father) did not join Jamaat Islami in Kashmir as normally people after him did. He accepted the ideology and then planted the seeds, used his resources, and then nourished and protected this young and tender plant with ALL that he had – this was his lifes mission. His wife, his sons and his daughters joined and unconditionally supported him as they saw no hypocrisy in what he believed in, what he did at home and what he did outside. The Movement was not a matter of social circle or any political limelight for him. He was dedicated to the ideology, come what may and with whatever sacrifice was required, he journeyed on. He faced police beatings, jailed, lost business and sometimes wider family support. He carried on protecting and promoting what he believed in, until this plant of his was strong enough to carry on without him. He had the largest library in any private home, looking for new ones, reading and referring to them was his passion and this is why that those around him in the family, when they joined the movement, they joined for the right reasons, not because of Aba Jee (Father) but because of what he believed in. Aba Jee (Father) also had this special love for Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba. Often the generation gap causes differences in approach, conflict, and distance. Aba Jee (Father) was not like that, Jamiat had a special place in his heart and he was generous in funding and supporting Jamiat activities whenever a call was made to him. This is why, he was close to his grandsons, myself, Dr Adeel and Dr Khurram, we always considered him as our friend. The golden times that we spent with him, we discussed politics, movement issues and history, the state of the Ummah, and campaigns during his active time in the Movement. He was proud of it and so were we. Today with his passing, we have lost a treasure of immense value – the heart bleeds thinking of life without it. I once saw Qazi Hussain Ahmad (The then JI Ammer) in his car about to leave outside our house. His eyes caught Aba Jee (Father) coming out of the house. He stopped the driver, came out the car and hurried to greet Aba Jee (Father). I was baffled at the time as the norm is to greet the Ameer, but the Ameer here was greeting Aba Jee (Father). It all made sense, the Ameer was greeting the symbol and light of the Islamic Movement in Azad Jammu and Kashmir as it is the work of this selfless dedicated individual that has resulted in the crop and oak trees of today. May Allah reward Aba Jee (Father), the best of rewards. May Allah accept his work as Sadqah e Jariya. May Allah clean his deeds like a washed white cloth and may Allah turn his grave into a garden of paradise, May Allah enable us all to follow his example and legacy. Ameen.