DFP seeks early resolution of K-dispute to end bloodbath of youth in IoK

Srinagar: Expressing serious concern over the continued blood bath and spike in violence in the occupied Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party has urged the international community to take effective notice of Indian state terrorism that has plunged the region into throes of instability and perpetual violence.
In a statement issued on the eve of world human rights day, the JKDFP spokesman while highlighting the dangerous dimensions of Indian’s prolonged violent military occupation, militarization and micromanagement of every aspect of life in Kashmir, said, “Given the highly volatile situation in the region it is imperative that the world should come forward in a big way and pressurize India to end the prolonged illegal occupation that has been a major cause and consequence of rights violations in the region”.
Referring to ever increasing incidents of state violence in the region the spokesman said that arbitrary arrests and killing of innocent youth during cordon and search operations by the occupation forces and vandalisation of public properties reflect the dangerous patterns of India’s neo-colonialism and imperialism. While the world is celebrating human rights day the spokesman said that it was high time that the world powers must exert pressure on the Indian government to allow the constitution of commission of inquiry in light of the UNOHRC report to assess the human rights situation in Kashmir.
Voicing his party’s serious concerns over the stepped-up human rights violations, arbitrary arrests, continued detention of resistance leaders, social, political and human rights activists, undue sanctions on media, free press and journalists the spokesman said that it was high time that the international community must realise its moral obligations vis-à-vis the situation in Kashmir and stand up for the rights of the people of who are reeling under the India’s state terrorism.
Meanwhile, the spokesman in a separate statement denounced the killing of two Kashmiri youth by the occupation forces in Pulwama. Terming it as worst kind of state terrorism he said that youth have been prime victim of Indian state oppression in the region.