Wani urges UNHRC to break the silence, remind India of its international obligations

Islamabad: Chairman Kashmir Institute of International Relations and permanent representative World Muslim Congress (WMC) Mr. Altaf Hussain Wani has urged the UN Human Rights Council to break its silence and remind the government of India of its international obligations towards the fundamental rights of the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
Taking part in general debate held under agenda item 5 druring 48TH Session of United Nations Human Rights Council Geneva Mr. Wani while speaking on behalf of World Muslim Congress lambasted the Indian government for not adhering to international obligations. “It is disappointing to note that India has run into a serious dispute with UN principles and its various bodies. India did not acknowledge the June 2018 and July 2019 reports of OHCR on the violation of human rights in Indian occupied Kashmir. India remained non-compliant to the request of 19 UN experts to allow them access to occupied territory”, he said.
Regarding the Council’s mandate, he said, “Relevance of the Council is to respond to the human rights crises by creating mechanisms such as Commissions of Inquiry and Fact-Finding Missions and implementation of the recommendations of special procedures. However, the erosion of the Council’s credibility started when states responsible for gross and systematic rights violations are elected as members; such as India the worst offender of human rights systems.
The Indian government, he said, did not respond to any of the communications of the special procedures on the cases of severe human rights violation in Indian occupied Kashmir. “Being a member of UNGA and the Human rights council India cannot act with no holds barred in regards to the question of human rights and UN bodies involved in the promotion and protection of human rights”, he added.
Referring to a letter signed by 19 experts in 2020, Wani said, “The 17 recommendations made in the report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and other communications continue as an outstanding against India”.