Kashmiri organise million march in Islamabad, Altaf Ahmed Bhatt

Islamabad: Senior leader Hurriet Conference, chief Executive Mezan School System and Kashmiri activist Altaf Ahmed Bhatt said that kashmir was not part of India in past, not will be with India in future. Kashmiri decided to be a part of Pakistan 25 days before foundation of Pakistan. We are sacrificing for the sake of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
There is blood of Kashmiris in foundation of Pakistan. He was speaking at one day educational leadership workshop as chief guest today, program was organised by international School of Cordoba G/14 Islamabad.
Famous Education trainers Khawaja Nauman Ahmed ISC and Dr Arshad Ali NUML gave best presentation to educationists and school principals.
Famous Chinese scholar Prof Rich Fu NUST, Dr Sardar Tahir Tabassum President INSPAD, Prof. Mohammad khan Hastal Chairman Hastal Peace Trust Chakwal, Miss Shaheen Khan, Raja Naeem, Mrs Kishwar Aqeel, Prof Riaz Bazmi and others spoke in the occasion.
Altaf Bhatt said that Pakistan is the dream of Allama Iqbal & Quaid e azam And Kashmiri fighting for this dream will come true.Founder of Pakistan said kashmir is jugular vein of Pakistan and we are expecting Pakistan govt and nation will support more till freedom.
It’s very alarming situation that kashmir had break down since 45 days. World aware about kashmir & we need urgent attention he added.
He said we are trying to organise million march in Islamabad with support and cooperation of traders, youth and civil society soon.
Altaf Ahmed Bhatt, Mrs Kishwar Aqeel, Dr Tahir Tabassum, Prof Mohammad khan Hastal and Saqib ansari advocate distributed certificates to participants.