The Chaleesma of one of Birmingham’s most eminent Dr Yusuf Qamar

Birmingham: Today (08.04.18 ) saw the Chaleesma of one of Birmingham’s most eminent and revered scholars, author and lover of Prophet PBH, Dr Mohammed Yusuf Qamar.
The event was held at Birmingham Central Mosque. A man who dedicated his whole life to the furthering of community cohesion, welfare and spreading true Islam.
His services to the community as a lawyer and social reformer will forever be remembered by the community at large. As a writer and a poet, he will remain at the forefront of everyone’s mind for having penned the most renowned and beautiful MANQUABAT of all time, ‘Mein to Panjthan ka Ghulam hoon’.
May Allah SWT elevate his status in the highest of heavens.
The event was hosted by Barrister Rashid Mirza
and also in attendance were Famous Poet and Scholar Malik Fazal Hussain, Khawaja Mohammed Arif, Sajid Yousaf, Mohammed Tanvir Qamar & Mohammed Ali Qamar Son’s of Dr Yousuf Qamar, Alhaaj Boota Shedai, Hafiz Mohammed Sahehd, Mohammed Javed Iqbal, Allama Zaffar Ullah Shah, Mufti Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim, Mr Qureshi, Mirza Faisal Mahmood, Mohammed Ismaeil Azam and many others.Report by S M Irfan Tahir Photojournalist / Member National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Great Britain.