Message from President of Pakistan on Kashmir Black Day

27 th October is observed as Kashmir Black Day world over as on this day in 1947 Indian forces landed in Srinagar to illegally occupy this land and started one of the most tragic chapters of human history.
The people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IoK) are ever since engaged in a struggle for the realization of their right to self-determination against forces of tyranny and foreign occupation.
Last 69 years saw Indian occupation forces mercilessly killing and terrorizing the innocent people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IoK) in complete disregard of fundamental principles of human rights, liberty and justice. Four generations of Kashmiris have suffered immensely.
The Indian occupation forces use live ammunition and pellet guns against civilians with impunity. Deliberate targeting of eyes, blinding many, has no parallel in the history of the civilized world. Anarchy is compounded by arbitrary arrests and detention of political leaders, human rights defenders, journalists and protesters without any trial. Leaders of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) continue to remain under detention, either in their houses or in police stations. Rape is being used to humiliate and terrorize the local population.
Prolonged curfews exacerbate the humanitarian crisis, severely impacting livelihood and add to the miseries of the Kashmiri people. The valiant and resilient people of IoK, have stood up
to fight back state-sponsored atrocities. The people of Pakistan and the freedom-loving people of the entire world salute them for their courage.
The UN Security Council resolutions on Jammu & Kashmir provide a peaceful and democratic solution to the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. We urge India to implement the relevant Security Council resolutions. Peace and prosperity of this entire region is also linked with the resolution of this long standing dispute.
I join the international community to express our complete solidarity with our Kashmiri brethren who continue to suffer today at the hands of a brutal occupation. We will continue to extend to them our unflinching moral, political and diplomatic support in their just struggle for the right to self-determination.
Our support will continue till the realization of the cherished
dream for freedom of millions of Kashmiris from draconian Indian occupation.