Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH) Conference at the High Commission

Milad-un-Nabi the most festive occasion that binds the Muslims together: Nafees Zakaria
Scholars shed light on various aspects of Prophet’s life and message
The High Commission organised a Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH) Conference to celebrate the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on 28 November 2019. A large number of people including women and children gathered on the occasion to express their love, reverence and adoration for their beloved Prophet (PBUH).
In his address on the occasion, High Commissioner Mohammad Nafees Zakaria said Milad-un-Nabi is the most festive occasion that binds the Muslims together. He said wherever he is posted, he always arranges Milad event to celebrate the birth of the Holy Prophet with joy and festivity and remember his remarkable life and teachings.

Mr Zakaria said Prophet Muhammad (saw)’s distinction springs from the declaration by Allah SWT about the Finality of Prophet-hood and completion of Religion (Islam) as mentioned in Quran. Not only was he the Last of Prophets, who gave to the world the final revelation, called Quran, but he also lived his entire life as an example for generations to emulate and learn from.
The High Commissioner briefly touched upon some of the important principles that the Holy Prophet stood for. He said few individuals in any civilization have been able to accomplish religious, gender, educational, racial and conflict-resolution reforms all at once. Prophet Muhammad (saw) reformed his society in all five respects, which laid the foundation of Muslim civilization, he added. Mr Zakaria said Prophet’s reforms included end of ‘honor’ killings, giving full rights to women, some of these rights did not exist even in the West and other places until the early 20th century, permission of war only in the interest of establishing religious freedom or for self-
defence, declaring learning obligatory that eventually led to the renaissance of Europe, human equality and interfaith harmony.

Mr Zakaria also quoted some of the Western and Oriental thinkers like Sir George Bernard Shaw and Thomas Carlyle who have written about to the greatness of Prophet Muhammad (saw) in all walks of life.
Qazi Abdul Aziz Chishti spoke on the topic of Muhammad (PBUH) as Prophet of Mercy for all. He cited several verses from the Holy Quran highlighting the trait of mercy and forgiveness in Prophet’s personality. Maulana Chishti particularly narrated the Conquest of Mecca when the Prophet forgave all including his worst enemies. He said we can reform our lives by following the life of Prophet.
Dr Ramzi Sheikh dwelt upon Prophet’s exemplary role in bringing about interfaith harmony and tolerance for other faiths in the multi-faith society of the 7th century Arabia. He said the Prophet set the finest examples of tolerance and under his rule, there was complete religious freedom to the followers of all faiths. Dr Ramzy said, in fact, Prophet Muhammad established first ever multi-faith society in the history of humankind.
Syed Adil Hussain Shah reflected on various aspects of Prophet’s life and message. He narrated verses from the Holy Quran testifying the supreme morals of the Prophet. Syed Adil said the Prophet abolished slavery and ended the practice of burying the girls alive in the 7th century Arab society. He also condemned ongoing atrocities in Kashmir and Palestine.
The scholars and guests appreciated the High Commissioner for celebrating the birth of the Holy Prophet at the High Commission which gave them an opportunity to show their love and respect for their beloved prophet.
Qari Mohammad Asim Mirza performed the recitation from the Holy Quran, famous Pakistani artist Rajab Ali presented Hamd-e-Bari Taala, Qari Muhammad Munir presented Naat-e-Rassol-e-Maqbool, and some students sang Nasheeds and enthralled the audience.
At the end, collective Dua was offered for prosperity of Pakistan, world peace, Kashmiris suffering from the atrocities perpetrated by Indian forces in Occupied Kashmir and Palestine.
First Secretary Rabia Kasuri conducted the Conference.