DFP calls for inclusive dialogue involving all stakeholders to resolve K-dispute

All party meeting: An attempt to befool world community
Islamabad: Jammu Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) has stressed the need for an exclusive dialogue involving all stakeholders to resolve the lingering dispute of Kashmir that has been the main cause and consequence of unrest in the region.
In a statement issued here on Saturday, the DFP acting chairman Mehmood Ahmed Saghar while commenting on the recently held all-party meeting, which was called by the Indian premier in New Delhi, said that the history of Kashmir bears testimony to the fact that such kind of engagements ended in smoke. Criticizing Indian government’s non-serious in resolving Kashmir dispute Saghar said, “If India is really sincere in resolving the dispute peacefully then it should release all illegally detained political prisoners, stop bloodshed and violence and cease military operations forthwith to create a conducive atmosphere for talks”.
Terming Kashmiris as the basic party to the dispute he said, “What India needs to realize is that the Kashmir dispute could not be settled without engaging the legitimate stakeholders”. Referring to international covenants, he said let the Indian government get the facts right. “As per the UN resolutions Pakistan is a key stakeholder in the Kashmir problem and it is naïve to think that any conflict resolution process can yield results without the proper involvement of key stakeholders”.
Describing dialogue as the civilized way to resolve the conflicts, Saghar said that Kashmiris have always supported the talks process aimed at finding a peaceful settlement of dispute but the fact remains that the successive Indian governments have never been sincere in resolving the dispute of Kashmir.
Citing India’s policies of deceit and deception he said, “Whenever India feels pressure mounting on it from the international community it starts talking about dialogue, political engagements and resolution of the dispute just to ward off the growing pressures”. The all-party meet, he said, was part of the Indian government’s nefarious plan to create a false impression of normalcy.
“The meeting on the other hand was Modi government’s shameless attempt to lend legitimacy to its 5th August 2019 actions’ ‘, he said adding that the Indian government must bear in mind the fact that meeting a group of handpicked stooges won’t really change the ground reality. “The ground reality is that Kashmir is an internationally recognized dispute that needs to be resolved peacefully in accordance with the UN resolutions”, Saghar said adding that India must shun its policies of deceit and deception and acknowledge the ground reality that durable peace and stability in the region would remain a distant dream unless the lingering dispute was addressed in its legal and historical context.