Pakistani Students participate in LIYSF

Seven Pakistani students from various universities participated in London International Youth Scientific Forum (LIYSF) for two weeks, and visited
various academic and science institutions. They were selected through rigorous process conducted by Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), Ministry
of Science and Technology, Islamabad.
The aim of the programme was to give a deeper insight to the students into science and its applications and how science can benefit mankind. This year the theme was “Great Scientific Discoveries”. Students from 75 countries attended this Conference which enabled young people to develop a better understanding of science and its applications. The Pakistani students presented their projects at the Conference and received a great deal of
encouragement from Academia and Researchers. They also performed at Cultural Show and got second position amongst overall.
The students led by Syeda Rehana Batool, Senior Scientific Officer,Pakistan Scientific Foundation (PSF), also visited the Pakistan High Commission, London and met with H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, Pakistan High Commissioner to United Kingdom. They shared their projects and experiences of their two-week stay in London.
The High Commissioner appreciated their achievement and hoped that country would benefit from their knowledge and expertise in various fields in
future. The High Commissioner also assured of all possible support to the Pakistan Scientific Foundation (PSF), in enhancing the number of students
so that more brilliant students could participate and benefit from this opportunity.