Pay Before You Go – Or be Buried in a Paupers Grave

In Birmingham last year 376 people were subject to a ‘Paupers’ funeral, as their families were unable to meet the costs of burying them. Nationwide the latest available data says there were 3,784 pauper funerals across Britain in the financial year 2016/17 The average cost of a funeral across the UK is £4,000, but can be twice that amount in London
Latest figures show that the average cost of a funeral in the West Midlands is £3,284. But other costs, including clergy and doctors’ fees, flowers, and catering at funeral receptions boost the average total to £7,114.
Pay Before You Go. The cost of a funeral, can wreck any household budget, but there are practical ways round this. There are lots if not most ‘Funeral directors ‘that arrange funerals, have pre-paid plans. But these are not recommended as there can be hidden costs. Best to get a Pre-paid funeral plan, with funeral plans you pay a set amount and the funeral is guaranteed to be paid for if you go through a registered provider and there are quite a few, you can find them here,