110th Day of Siege in Indian Occupied Kashmir

High Commissioner expresses Solidarity with the Kashmiris
The High Commissioner Mohammad Nafees Zakaria expressed solidarity with the Kashmiri Muslims of the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) on 22 November 2019. On the occasion of the Juma (Friday) Prayer, collective Dua was offered for the Kashmiri victims of Indian atrocities in IOK.

Addressing the gathering on the occasion, High Commissioner said humanity continues to suffer as the Indian siege of the Occupied Kashmir enters 110th day. He briefed the members from various Muslim countries who gathered at the High Commission to offer Juma Prayer, about the humanitarian crisis in IOK.
Mr Zakaria said, no factual and complete reports are coming out due to complete communication shut down in the IOK by Indian authorities. Therefore, no wonder if the world comes to know about the real extent of atrocities and human rights abuses too late as it happened in case of mass graves which were disclosed after several years of the killings of the indigenous Kashmiris by the Indian occupation forces in fake encounters. He reiterated Pakistan’s diplomatic, moral and political support to the Kashmiris.

Later talking to the media, Mr Zakaria said Indian atrocities, mass killings, mass blindings, mass graves and other measures to systematically change the demography of IOK have been documented. He added that Indian efforts to hide their crimes against humanity and the ongoing humanitarian crisis have been exposed by the reports filed by the human rights NGOs and international media. He particularly mentioned extreme concerns raised by the Parliamentarians.
The High Commissioner has been regularly expressing solidarity with the Kashmiris since the siege started on 5 th August 2019 with unilateral measures by India to change the status of Kashmir in violation of UNSC resolutions on Kashmir and related international conventions.
On the occasion, photos depicting Indian atrocities against defenceless Kashmiris were also displayed. The photos of the victims of Indian atrocities, as documented by various international institutions and human rights organisations helped visitors understand the magnitude of the human rights abuses in IOK.