Sikhs and Kashmiris Demand Freedom from Indian Colonialism

Self-Determination the Key to Justice and Conflict Resolution
London, 15th August 2018: India’s Independence Day saw a spirited protest outside the Indian High Commission in London in which Sikhs and Kashmiris, once again, stood shoulder to shoulder in rejecting colonial rule in their respective homelands. Leading diaspora organisations vocally demanded freedom in Indian – occupied Punjab and Kashmir and left Indian diplomats in no doubt that these freedoms struggles will be pursued despite the massive state terrorism that has been deployed against them for decades.
Interestingly on this occasion the Indian experiment of setting up counter demonstrations by paid agents failed to materialise. Following the robust response such counter protestors have received in recent months, it was, according to Amrik Singh Sahota OBE (President, Council of Khalistan), a clear sign that the Hindutva propaganda machine in the UK is running out of steam in the face of determined diaspora communities. Joga Singh (Babbar Akali Organisation) said 15th August 1947 will forever be a ‘black day’ which signified nothing but the replacement of one colonial power by another.
As “Khalistan Zindabad” and “Kashmir Zindabad” slogans rang out in front of the High Commission, Prof Nazir Ahmed Shawl spoke of the urgent need for international intervention to prevent further suffering in blood-soaked Kashmir where the population is, despite the odds, facing down an army intent on targeting even unarmed civilians with inhuman aggression. Raja Sikander Khan told the media covering the protest that Indian state terror perpetrators would pay for their massive violations but, even now, New Delhi should show some wisdom and acknowledge the democratic will of the masses.
Lord Nazir Ahmed was unable to attend the protest but sent a message of support and congratulated those who took part, saying their efforts will highlight the fundamental human rights concerns that Modi’s India is trying so desperately to obscure. Having electrified the huge Sikh ‘Referendum 2020’ gathering in Trafalgar Square by a rousing speech a few days earlier, he reiterated the call for international intervention in support of a ‘Free Khalistan’ and a ‘Free Kashmir’.
Dupinderjit Singh of the ‘Referendum 2020’ movement spoke about the non-governmental freedom vote to be held in November 2020. He said Sikhs would never rest until they secured their national right, under international law, to freedom and dignity in their homeland. The planned peaceful democratic referendum is intended to demonstrate to the UN that the people of Indian occupied Punjab, along with the diaspora, stand behind the decision of the Sikh national gathering (Sarbat Khalsa) of 1986 when it was freely determined that sovereign independence in Punjab was the only solution to Indian aggression.
Observers of the Hindutva takeover of the Indian establishment are increasingly seeing the communal polarisation across India leading directly to the ramping up of independence sentiment in Punjab, Kashmir and other regions such as Assam, Nagaland and Manipur. The artificial construct of 1947 is now looking increasingly unlikely to survive the Hindutva project.