PAA 2016 dedicate 8th year Gala dinner to World renowned Abdul Sattar Edhi

London (Special Representative): The 8th Pakistan Achievement Awards International 2016 Program is scheduled to be held on 2nd of December

this year. It was announced in a press release by the Organizing Committee of the 8th Pakistan Achievement Awards International 2016. It further says that like every other year, the PAA are dedicated to important event, person or cause. This year the PAA Program is being dedicated to a world over popular and unique personality of the century.
The Spokesperson of the PAA Program said that during the previous years the Award Programs were dedicated numerously. Previous programs have been declared to Youth of Pakistan, Women of Pakistan, Queen Elisabeth, King George, Flood Victims and Education in Punjab. This year the PAA Committee has unanimously declared that 8th Pakistan Achievement Awards International 2016 will be dedicated to no one other but world renowned humanitarian (Late ) Abul Sattar Edhi.
Abdul sattar Edhi (Late) has departed but his services to humanity will never be forgotten. He led a very simple life and devoted all his time to the humanitarian cause. His mission and the services he initiated will continue even after him. Such is the name of trust, such is the celebrity, a truly well-wisher of human beings above the racial, religious, ethnic and social distinctions. He is remembered world over. His death was mourned in all the countries Muslim and the non Muslim. He is the person to whom the 8th Pakistan Achievement Awards are dedicated.
Many people, organizations and departments and agencies at numerous places have named their projects and institutions after his name in his commemoration and lauded his services said the spokesperson. Keeping in view his services and in order to promote his mission even in better than before, the PAA has selected his name to dedicate this award program.
The spokesperson further said that the announcement of dedication by the Organizing Committee of PAA has been welcomed by overseas community, many welfare organizations, government departments, charity organizations and assured full support to the cause.
The spokesperson said that they wish to open up a new phase of commemorating him; we intend to initiate numerous humanitarian programs and projects to the extent our pocket will allow. We are looking forward to other people to come forward and help us out in realising our dreams of making our society a better place to live—which is free from racial, social and religious differences, where people support each other, where people come forward to share some bit from their resources to fulfil the needs of the needy and remove hurdles of others and to stand for the cause of humanity.