UK Border Regime: A Critical Guide

Throughout history, human beings have migrated. To escape war, oppression and poverty, to make a better life, to follow their own dreams. But since the start of the 20th century, modern governments have found ever more vicious ways to stop people moving freely.
Corporate Watch has been investigating the UK’s brutal border regime for ten years. We’ve exposed the private companies and charities making money from it, analysed what drives policies like Theresa May’s “hostile environment” and even secretly filmed the appalling conditions inside detention centres.
Our new book, The UK Border Regime: A Critical Guide brings all this together in one place. The aim is to help understand the border regime, and ask how we can fight it effectively.
Like all our publications, the book is free to download from our site. You can also order paper copies from our online shop, or find them soon in a good bookshop near you.
We will be glad to send copies for free to asylum seekers and other people without papers. For other people and groups fighting the border regime, we can send at cost price or whatever you can afford. Email us on for group orders.
We will also be doing some talks around the UK in the next few weeks to launch the book — stay tuned for updates on events near you, and get in touch if you would like to host a talk or workshop.
Corporate Watch – Co-Operative,