Women’s Experiences of Seeking Asylum in the UK – Stressful and Traumatic

London: Asylum interviews were especially stressful and traumatic for many of the women, with the report noting: “Women taking part in the research described having to re-live traumatic experiences repeatedly, being required to recount experiences of rape and sexual abuse to a male interviewer and feeling interrogated and disbelieved by government officials. … Even under the best possible circumstances, such as working with an interviewer who is trained in trauma-informed approaches, participants said that it remains very difficult to discuss gender-based violence and traumatic experiences. The difficulty was exacerbated for women who had had to disclose these experiences to men.”
*Women seeking asylum do not feel they are treated with basic human dignity.
*Asylum application processes fail to make women feel safe or to respond to trauma.
*Women seeking asylum face significant challenges accessing safe and appropriate accommodation, financial support and healthcare.
*Decision-making delays leave individuals, and families, in limbo for many years.
*Young women seeking asylum need independent advisors they can trust.
*Women seeking asylum aspire to study and to work.
Read more: EIN, https://rb.gy/pwvpnt