The Struggle for Freedom: Comparative Analysis of Kosovo & Kashmir

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai April 3, 2024
“Kashmir is internationally recognized as a disputed territory whose final status is yet to be determined by the people. It is a matter of concern that its sovereignty and right to self-determination is being ignored. This is a matter that urgently needs to be put on a road to find a just and viable solution. India insists that Kashmir is an integral part of India and refuses to negotiate in any manner with the people of Kashmir or with Pakistan. The claim is rejected not only by the people of Kashmir but also by the international community,” this was stated by Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Chairman, ‘World Forum for Peace and Justice, during a virtual conference, organized by Advocate Fehmi Caka of Prizren, Kosovo on the subject of “The Struggle for Freedom: Comparative Analysis of Kosovo & Kashmir.”
Dr. Fai quoted Dr. Jaishankar, the foreign minister of India who said on May 5, 2023, that ‘Kashmir was, is and will always be India’s integral part.’ The fallacy advocated by Indian foreign minister, Fai highlighted, has the similarity with the delusion of the ultra-nationalist-backed former Prime Minister of Serbia, Vojislav Kostunica who told an unruly mob in 2008, “Kosovo belongs to Serbia; Kosovo belongs to the Serb nation “ He added, “There is no force, no threat, no punishment severe and horrible enough to make any Serb, anywhere, ever say otherwise but Kosovo is Serbia.” Does this ultra nationalist Prime Minister of Serbia not resemble the outburst of India ‘s leadership? Ominously, it does. There is not much difference between the ideas of Serbian ultra-nationalists and the BJP led Modi government. An unbiased observer would certainly find a striking similarity in both the arrogant stance of India and Serbia. This striking similarity may not be immediately visible to domineering groups, but the success story of Kosovo proves that unjust subjugation cannot be perpetuated forever.”
This is a great disappointment to those who would like to end the killings, the suffering and great humiliation of Kashmiris. India seems to agree with Joseph Goebbels that “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
“The Kosovo Declaration of Independence beautifully encapsulates the true sentiment of a people that have endured senseless and prolonged suffering under an oppressive foreign regime. The Declaration expresses the desire to build a society that honors human dignity, confront a painful legacy of years of strife and violence, promote and honor cultural diversity, create a democracy that expresses freely the will of its citizens, achieve the highest standards of human rights and good governance, protect human rights and the fundamental freedoms of all its citizens, and contribute to the realization of international peace and stability. Kashmiris can surely identify with the document’s affirmations because all of its tenets, especially those espousing the protection of human dignity, rights, and freedom have been grossly withheld from their lives. The people of Kashmir have been subjected to gross human rights violations, including custodial killings, army brutality, beatings, torture, violence, reprisal attacks against civilians, kidnappings and disappearances, destruction of personal property, family unit destruction leaving children orphaned and homeless, massive psychological illnesses resulting from trauma of daily violence, and sexual exploitation,” Fai explained.
“Kashmir does present itself as an even greater problem since it is the only region which shares its borders with three nuclear countries – India, Pakistan and China. And that there are an estimated 900,000 Indian military and paramilitary forces there. Arundhati Roy, India’s eminent writer has said, ‘Kashmir is the most densely occupied military zone in the world.’ And The European parliament calls it the most beautiful prison on earth. The suffering of the Kashmiri people has gone on for too long. It is time that world powers ask the people of Kashmir what they really want? Perhaps that would force the parties to actually deal with what is at the heart of their differences, the aspirations of the people. It’s time to make our united international voices heard so that a final peaceful resolution can be enforced – one that is aligned with the principles of self-determination,” Fai said.
Dr. Fai is also the Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum.
He can be reached at: WhatsApp: 1-202-607-6435. Or.