Garden waste subscriptions re-open

Birmingham: Anyone looking for a convenient way to recycle garden waste can now subscribe to the city council’s paid-for service as it re-opens to new customers following the easing of coronavirus restrictions.
To ensure the stability of the service, a decision was taken in March to close to new customers until the COVID-19 situation allowed. Collections have continued as normal throughout the past few months, but we’re now in a position to take new subscribers.
Residents wanting to now sign up can do so at the reduced rate of £30, which will cover the remainder of the 2020 collection season (a fortnightly service which ends in late November/early December). However due to the way in which the council’s contact centre is working remotely, only online bookings will be possible.
Cllr John O’Shea, Cabinet Member for Street Scene and Parks, said: “The re-opening of garden recycling subscriptions is something that we have had requests for, so I am glad we are now at the point that this is possible.
“We could have continued adding subscribers to the service throughout the pandemic, but we know clean streets and reliable bin collections are priorities for the people of Birmingham. That meant our priority was to focus our efforts on delivering the core waste and recycling services we provide as well as the service for existing garden recycling subscribers.
“This now gives people an easy and convenient way to dispose of their garden waste and helps ease some of the demand at our Household Recycling Centres (HRCs), which are still subject to social distancing and reduced visitor numbers, which itself is being managed through the booking system that we recently introduced.”
An alternative to the garden waste subscriptions and the HRCs is the city council’s bulky waste service, through which up to 20 bags of waste will be taken for a fee.
To subscribe to the garden waste service, visit:
To book a bulky waste collection, visit:
To book a slot to visit one of our HRCs, visit: