Kashmir Valley Diaspora need to unite KVI

London: In a virtual meeting of Kashmir Voice International (KVI) held in London on 14 July 2020 in which the following members participated.
Prof. M.A.Raina, Irshad Malik, Javid Kakroo, G.N.Fallahi, Rafiq Ratta, Ms. Attiah Khan, Prince Wani, Khurshaid Nihami and Mirza Saib Beig The present painful situation of Kashmir along with the measures required to help reduce the misery of Kashmiris were considered.
The members expressed disappointment and anguish regarding the sad and painful situation that has afflicted Kashmir after 5th August 2019.
The situation obtaining in the valley is highly depressing. The promises made to end corruption and initiate developmental programs have all proved a hoax. Instead the Delhi government in Corona Virus an awful and troubled time when Delhi should be thinking of the country, initiated measures and laws that undermine the rights of Kashmiris which proved their apprehensions.
The Domicile Law has taken away all the privileges that the State Subjects have enjoyed since 1927. It has also made it possible to take away a share of jobs by the non-locals and reduce the employment opportunities for the locals. By amending Building Operation Act of 1988 and J & K Government Act of 1970 to give powers to the Cantonment Board and the Armed Forces to carryout constructions beyond the cantonments is to further deprive people of their land and put the same under the use of armed Forces. The areas would be called Strategic Areas for the facilities of Armed forces. These anti-Kashmiri measures taken after 5, August 2019 are all illegal and unconstitutional.
The denial of political space and suppression of media both print and electronic have been undertaken to suppress the voice of the people. The continued imprisonment of people has harassed the common people.
It was felt that Valley Diaspora in UK should unite to stand on a common platform and work towards the measures that could help ease the situation in the valley. It was agreed that Valley Diaspora should register their protest at Indian High Commission and regional Consulates and meet the Indian diplomates to express their concerns, feelings and anger. Moreover, it was felt that the diaspora should approach the countries who are friendly with India through their embassies and increase their awareness regarding the situation obtaining in Jammu & Kashmir and seek their support to impress upon the Delhi government to remove the restrictions imposed after 5, August 2019 and initiate dialogue with Kashmiris to find a final solution.
It was also suggested that the diaspora should initiate contact with those individuals, groups and political parties in India who have on different occasions expressed their concern about the difficult position that Kashmiris are faced with. KVI feels that diaspora and people inside Kashmir should work together for widening this support base.
Press Secretary