KIIR chief appreciates OIC’s continued support to Kashmiris’ legitimate cause

Islamabad: Veteran Kashmiri leader and Chairman Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR) Altaf Hussain Wani has lauded the Organization of Islamic Conference’s (OIC) continued support and commitment for a just and equitable settlement of the Kashmir dispute in line with Kashmiris’ aspirations.
The KIIR made these remarks while talking to a group of journalists who called on him here on Tuesday. Commenting on the recently held emergency virtual meeting of the OIC’s contact group on Jammu Kashmir Mr. Wani said that the OIC’s decision to call a meeting to discuss and debate the prevailing political and human rights situation in the occupied Kashmir at this very crucial point of time speaks volumes about its concerns over the unacceptable situation in the held territory.
Terming it as a positive development he said that the Muslim body has always played a constructive role and maintained a pragmatic stance on the issue of Kashmir, which he said was no different to what Pakistan has been championing for the past more than seventy years. “We owe a debt of gratitude to all the member states of the OIC for standing on our side and supporting our just cause of right to self-determination”, he said adding that the organization has raised Kashmir and Palestine issues effectively.
The KIIR chief however maintained that the fast deteriorating political and human rights situation in the occupied territory required even a more vibrant and proactive role from the august forum to stop the continued bloodbath and systematic genocide of Kashmiri youth being committed by the Indian troops.
Referring to the dire rights situation in the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir he said that the victimization of Kashmiri children, men and women have increased manifold especially after the 5th August 2019. He said that on one hand genocide of Kashmiri youth was going unabated while on the other Indian government was busy consolidating its occupation by erasing Kashmiris’ religious and political identity. He said that the abrogation of articles 370 and 35A, and redefinition of domicile rules for Jammu and Kashmir were part of this grand conspiracy aimed at changing the demographic composition of the state and its disputed nature.
Terming these attempts by the government of India as an existential threat to Kashmiris, Wani said that it was high time that the world should realize the gravity of situation in the region and play its much needed role to settle this long-drawn conflict peacefully in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of Kashmiri people.
He also thanked Pakistan for galvanizing international support for addressing the Kashmir conflict, which he said has consumed three generations of Kashmiris and still continues to threaten the existence of yet another generation.